The long-term forecast has taken a slight detour and isn't in agreement with its own forecast of a few days ago. We can now anticipate another day of lighter winds before the easterly trade winds kick in. Of course we now have to take this with a pinch of salt - luckily there is no shortage of salt on the deck. Thankfully, our blue water barrels will come to our rescue once again and guarantee we can make some miles with the trusty volvos pushing us in the right direction.
The wind has dropped to around 5 knots, and despite a few stars poking through the clouds last night, we're still enveloped in a blanket of overcast skies. The light winds provide a much-needed opportunity to replenish our water tanks and, if we have time, to scrub away the flying fish scales that have adorned our deck. I even noticed yesterday a splat mark on the headsail where an overly enthusiastic flying fish had crashed into it.
While we won't be setting any records today, we're making steady progress. As the Galapagos fades into the distance, Tahiti looms larger on the horizon. We haven't quite turned the corner yet, but looking at the chart, it's clear we've already covered a significant portion of the journey.
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